Welcome to the 2023 Hope Conference Livestream for Social Workers' CE Credits!

Apologies for the brief interruption of the livestream. It's back on track here:

You must complete the below log in/log out process and the online evaluation to receive CE credits! See links and instructions below the video.



Please complete the virtual sign in/sign out AFTER BOTH SESSIONS.

Link to log IN before the Expert panel: https://forms.office.com/r/xnr9Ftz9pJ

Link to log OUT after the Expert panel: https://forms.office.com/r/E0nZT1brBL

Link to log IN before the Breakout session: https://forms.office.com/r/EuyYz69SJH

Link to log OUT after the Breakout session: https://forms.office.com/r/Hw5erppVXu

*You can continue to view the webcast but please use links to log in and out for CE purposes. Example: You can log in at 9:15 am and log out at 10:15 am after the panel discussion. You can continue to listen to the webcast if you wish but you will need to log in and out for the 11am session as well. You can log out at 12pm after the breakout session is complete or you are welcome to stay on through the lunch ceremonies. **You will receive a MAXIMUM of 2 hours of CE credit for attending the Expert Panel and the CE Breakout session. If you attend the entire webcast from 9-1pm, you will gain great information but still only receive 2 hours of CE credit.



Click this link to complete the online social worker evaluation: https://forms.office.com/r/6Bx9fKf2vK


You must complete the evaluation in order to receive CE hours.  You will also need to enter your SW license number on the evaluation.


Upon completion of the expert panel (9:15-10:15am) AND the breakout session (11am-12pm), you will receive a special code to put on your evaluation. There are 2 DIFFERENT codes that need to be placed on the evaluation. 

Please write down these codes so that you have them to enter on the online evaluation!!!!! They will flash on the screen during the webcast AND they will be verbally announced during the program. You must have a good internet connection or you could possibly miss the announcement of the social work codes during the webcast. We are unable to provide any codes via email. Email amy.ellis@cancer.org if you are experiencing technical issues.

*2 hours of continuing education will be awarded to Social Workers who attend the expert panel and the CE break out session (in person or virtually). Contact Jimmie.Wells@fmolhs.org if you have any specific questions about the CE process. Your certificate will be emailed to you after the event. Please allow 2 weeks or more to receive certificate.